Hello Delightful You!
Welcome to your Sunday LoveGram.
Today, I send you the sweet scent of rain on a warm summer day.
I send you a cat’s purr-purr against the top of your head as she snuggles with love on your pillow at night.
I send you the way it feels to be silly in public and not give a fig about what anyone thinks — just how good it feels to laugh out loud!
I send you … bravery to be completely, ecstatically, wonderfully YOU!
Here we are, together again!
Thank you for being across the virtual table from me for yet another Sunday audio LoveGram.
I appreciate you.
You make my life better.
I’m sure you make many people’s lives better!
Never forget that. (I mean it.)
It is so easy to discount the joy we bring simply by being OURSELVES.
Today’s audio LoveGram is the final installment to a story I’ve been telling for more than a month. It’s all about the “Target Grocery Prance!”
That name was coined by Operation Joy Lab founder, Michell Kawaja, who orchestrated everything for us to dance in the grocery aisles to the song “Brave” by Sara Bareilles.
Yep, that happened yesterday! It really did.
In this audio, you get to hear how enlivening and joyous it is dance in the grocery aisle as if you are part of a music video or a flash mob!
It’s about not being afraid to say “I have an idea!” or “Let’s do this thing!” or “Olly Olly Oxen Free!”
It’s about the joy we bring ourselves when we give ourselves permission to step outside of the same-ole, same ole and create a moment that stands out.
(To listen to today’s audio LoveGram, just scroll down on this page and click play on the audio player below!)
In today’s audio, you get to hear the giddiness of a group of us who showed up yesterday because we wanted to feel a little more zip in our step! We wanted to experience the whoosh of energy from doing something outside our norm. We wanted to PLAY.
I think most of us would love to feel a bit more spontaneous, a bit more loose, a bit more FREE?
We got told to sit still and not be silly.
We got taught to not stand out or laugh too loudly.
But now we get to choose who we want to be! We can have a dance party any time we want!
Stay tuned later this week because I want to share a few photos from those of us who met live at Target in San Rafael.
And, also, those who met online to dance at the same time!
It’s not too late for you to join the fun! How about after you listen to this audio LoveGram, you open up the video to Brave — link below — and dance along?!
Woot woot! I promise that prancing will bring zesty energy and will make your cells super happy.
Seek celebration — even in dark corners,
xo Sherry
💖 P.S. Watch this Sara Bareilles Brave video. Turn it on. Now! Dance and prance and giggle a little. You deserve joy.
💖 P.P.S. Speaking of JOY. Sending so much gratitude to Operation Joy Lab’s Michell, who orchestrated everything for us yesterday. Click on over to Instagram and meet Michell (@thrivegirlinc) — Thrive Girl and creator of Operation Joy Lab. I love her reels! I love her spirit! If you aren’t on Instagram, here is her website!
Here’s today’s LoveGram: See purple box below!
Download and listen on the go here: LoveGram 8-18-24