Thanks for joining me on another Sunday.
I’m glad to be here with YOU, as we share meaningful conversation around our virtual cafe table.
In today’s audio LoveGram we are talking about Mother’s Day, which is a couple weeks away here in the U.S. I’m bringing it up now so that we all have some time to think about people in our lives who might need some extra love. This gives us some time to reach out.
I’m dedicating this week’s LoveGram to my wonderful mom, Becky. First of all, because yesterday was her birthday! 🎉 (LOVE you mom!)
But also, because my mom is a wonderful example of what I talk about in today’s audio: being devoted to loving people.
My mom is single-handedly keeping the U.S. Post Office in business by sending countless cards and packages every single week.
In the LoveGram you will hear, I talk about intentionally scanning your family, friends, and community to think about who might need some extra love — especially around holidays like Mother’s Day.
These holidays can be hard for people who are grieving, sad, lonely, or struggling.
My mom is always doing just that. She remembers all the happy occasions, but she also always acknowledges when someone is going through something hard.
She reaches out on anniversaries of someone’s death, when someone is anxious or troubled, or when someone is ill.
(To listen to today’s audio LoveGram, just scroll down on this page and click play on the audio player below!)
I hope you will not just listen to today’s LoveGram, but that it inspires you to take action.
Please email me and let me know, okay. I love to hear your stories.
If you want to join in our Secret Agents of Change Mission or in a LOVE LIST workshop, those links are below.
Take time to pause more often.
Reflect on people you love.
Let them know you are by their side — for all the ups and downs.
I see you.
I can feel your beautiful, open, and generous heart.
I know you want to be as loving as possible for people in your life.
I know you are doing the best you can.
If you are having a hard time, please make sure you reach out to a close friend, family member, or spiritual counselor. It is hard to ask for help, but it is so important.
Seek celebration — even in dark corners,
xo Sherry
💖 P.S. Join the latest Secret Agents of Change Mission. This mission is dedicated to giving anonymous love to mothers who may be grieving, lost, lonely, or struggling. (Note, you can just watch the beginning part when Rosemerry reads the poem and I share the prompt. However, if you watch the whole thing, you will hear many beautiful and tender ideas how to offer love.)
💖 P.P.S. Here’s the replay link to an author panel all about the many layers of Mother’s Day. If you have/had a difficult relationship with your own mom, you will appreciate meeting Karen CL Anderson, who writes about this and gives a lot of tips on navigating the emotional trauma.
💖 P.P.P.S. On Monday I am leading a workshop through Reimaginewhere we will be making LOVE LISTS for Moms You Miss. You can celebrate the spirit of a mom in your own life who has passed away or who lives far away. Or, if you have a friend who passed away who was a mom, consider making a LOVE LIST about her as a gift to that person’s daughter or son.
Here’s today’s LoveGram: See purple box below!
Download and listen on the go here: LoveGram 4-28-24