Hello Beautiful Friend!

Thank you for being here. I appreciate you. I so enjoy our conversations.

You inspire me.

Today, I send you a blank chalkboard.

I send you the sound of the wind rustling through the trees.

I send you the beauty of all that is unknown and waiting to be revealed.


In today’s audio LoveGram I start a conversation with you by reading you a poem. Don’t worry — it doesn’t rhyme and there is nothing to try to understand.

It is a poem that opens the door to considering a different way to live. Maybe one that includes more permission, more pauses, more allowing of what is.

It isn’t always easy to slow down enough to listen to ourselves.

I hope that today’s audio gives you a chance to take a couple deep breaths and to hear the hidden message I put in there — just for YOU.

(To listen to today’s audio LoveGram, just scroll down on this page and click play on the audio player below!)


Spoiler Alert: Here’s the poem.

Quick, listen to the audio if you don’t want to read it in advance!

What You Missed That Day You Were Absent From Fourth Grade

Mrs. Nelson explained how to stand still and listen

to the wind, how to find meaning in pumping gas,

how peeling potatoes can be a form of prayer. She took

questions on how not to feel lost in the dark

After lunch she distributed worksheets

that covered ways to remember your grandfather’s

voice. Then the class discussed falling asleep

without feeling you had forgotten to do something else—

something important—and how to believe

the house you wake in is your home. This prompted

Mrs. Nelson to draw a chalkboard diagram detailing

how to chant the Psalms during cigarette breaks,

and how not to squirm for sound when your own thoughts

are all you hear; also, that you have enough.

The English lesson was that I am

is a complete sentence.

And just before the afternoon bell, she made the math equation

look easy. The one that proves that hundreds of questions,

and feeling cold, and all those nights spent looking

for whatever it was you lost, and one person

add up to something.

—Copyright 2016 Brad Aaron Modlin


I see you. 

I know you are always doing the best you can. 

I know you have big, generous love in your heart. 

Just remember: you are not alone on this journey! 

We are all in this together. We are way more alike than different. We can be real here. I appreciate YOU. 

Seek celebration — even in dark corners,

xo Sherry


P.S. This is your permission slip for WHATEVER you need permission for! To sign up for that class you wish you could take? To slow down and do nothing? To start a hard conversation? To love yourself exactly as you are? What is it? Please, take all the permission you need. You deserve it. 



Here’s today’s LoveGram: See purple box below!

Download and listen on the go here: LoveGram 4-2-23