
Welcome to your end-of-life planning Resource Directory. I am dedicated to keeping this updated for you as much as possible. 

I hope this is useful for you! 

Thank you for this vert important work you are doing on behalf of the people you love. 


Important Information about this Resource Directory:

We’ve curated these resources with care, hoping they provide useful guidance and support for you along your journey. The author has used and benefited from many of these resources, however, she can’t make any promises about the outcomes you might experience. 

Please use your own judgment to ensure books and services are right for you. We aim for accuracy and excellence, and we apologize in advance for any changes that happen between the printing of this book and when it finds its way into your hands. The QR code at the end of this directory will take you to the most updated version! 

Your use of this directory is at your own discretion—so, take what works for you, proceed thoughtfully, and remember that there are many other resources out there to support you. New ones are being created every day. 


Meet the Experts Quoted in this Book 

Alison Luterman

Award winning poet, essayist, and playwright


Allen Klein

Author and speaker


Babe Hoffarber Garcia

Director of Influencer Marketing at GrowthDay

Brad Wolfe

Founder of Reimagine


Brendon Burchard

High Performance Coach, best-selling author, founder of GrowthDay



Community member who is passionate about living life to the fullest and end-of-life planning

Cheri Huber

American teacher of Zen Buddhism, author, founder of Living Compassion


Cheryl Espinosa Jones

Grief counselor, radio host and speaker


Cynthia Cummins

San Francisco Realtor and Podcast Host



Dianne Myhre

Community member who is passionate about end-of-life planning

Douglas Anderson

Psychologist and community member who is passionate about mindfulness and compassionate living.

Emily Thiroux Threatt

Founder of Grief and Happiness Alliance, author, and podcast host


Flavia Berys

Estate Planning and Real Estate Attorney


Gail Trunick

Artist and Founder of Trunick Gallery 


Greg McKeown

Author of the New York Times bestsellers, “Essentialism” and “Effortless.”


Jo-Anne Haun

Co-founder of the Death Doula Network of B.C.


Kat Primeau

Artist, educator, and Good Grief Doula


Kayne Belul

Community member (my son!) who is passionate about decluttering

Lisa Pahl

Hospice Social Worker and co-creator of The Death Deck 


Maria Fraietta

Founder and CEO of Nokbox


Michelle Huljev

MDH Coaching & Consulting


Morgan Oaks

Transformational speaker and Certified High Performance Coach


Paul Wesselmann

Author, speaker, The Ripples Guy


Phil Schroeder

Lutheran Pastor and community member who is passionate about end-of-life planning

Rachel Schroeder

Community member who passionate about creativity, relationships, and end-of-life planning

Roy Remer

Executive Director, Zen Caregiving Project


Sam Bridgstock

Friend and podcast guest of Greg McKeown

The Greg McKeown Podcast, episode no. 310 + 311, 27 June 2024


Sara Zeff Geber

Author of “Solo Aging,” professional speaker, and certified retirement coach


Shawn Buttner

High Performance Coach and Podcaster


Suki Haseman

Community member who is passionate about creativity, relationships,  and living life to the fullest 

Introduction (General Resources) 

AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) 

AARP offers guidance on legal, financial, and healthcare considerations, including advance directives and power of attorney. 

Visit the website: www.aarp.org/caregiving 

The Conversation Project

This initiative is dedicated to helping people talk about their wishes for end-of-life care, encouraging conversations between loved ones and providing resources to ensure that individuals’ care preferences are understood and respected when it matters most.

Visit the website: www.theconversationproject.org/ 

Death Cafe

This global movement brings people together in informal gatherings to discuss death, share stories, and increase awareness of end-of-life issues, all with the aim of helping people make the most of their lives.

Visit the website: www.deathcafe.com

The Death Deck/Lisa Pahl

The Death Deck is a unique and engaging card game designed to spark meaningful conversations about death and dying. With a mix of humor and thought-provoking questions, this game encourages players to explore their thoughts, fears, and wishes surrounding end-of-life topics in a relaxed, open environment. It’s a creative way to break the taboo around death and foster deeper discussions with friends and family. As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over seventeen years of experience in hospice and seven years in emergency medicine, Lisa helps people cope with illness, dying, and grief.

Visit the website: www.thedeathdeck.com 

Death of the Party

“Death of the Party” is a unique event series and resource platform that aims to spark open, honest conversations about death, dying, and grief in a social setting. Through creative gatherings, workshops, and discussions, the project encourages participants to confront the realities of death in a supportive, communal environment, helping to reduce fear and stigma around the subject.

Visit the website: www.deathofthepartynyc.org 

Death Over Dinner

A platform to help people have meaningful conversations about end-of-life wishes in a relaxed setting.

Visit the website: www.deathoverdinner.org

The Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Foundation

This is a non-profit organization focusing on improving end-of-life care and offering grief support. Their work is inspired by the life of psychiatrist, humanitarian, and hospice pioneer Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross.

Visit the website: www.ekrfoundation.org

End of Life Choices California

This non-profit organization provides education, support, and guidance to individuals and families navigating end-of-life decisions, ensuring that Californians have access to information about all legal end-of-life options, including medical aid in dying.

Visit the website: www.endoflifechoicesca.org

End of Life University

End of Life University is an educational platform that offers podcasts, interviews, courses, and resources on end-of-life topics. Hosted by Dr. Karen Wyatt, the platform aims to provide practical advice, spiritual insight, and thoughtful discussions on death, dying, and grief. It serves as a resource for individuals, caregivers, and professionals seeking to better understand and navigate the end-of-life journey.

Visit the website: www.eoluniversity.com

End Well
End Well is a nonprofit organization dedicated to transforming how the world thinks about, plans for, and experiences the end of life. By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation, End Well aims to create a cultural shift where end-of-life care is viewed as an essential part of life itself, ensuring that everyone has a dignified and meaningful end-of-life experience.

Visit the website: www.endwellproject.org

Essential Retirement Planning for Solo Agers by Sara Zeff Geber

This book offers vital guidance for single and childless adults, focusing on end-of-life and legacy planning, including financial security, healthcare choices, and creating a meaningful legacy, ensuring a well-prepared and fulfilling later life.

Published by Mango Publishing. For more details, you can find the book on various online platforms.

Visit the website: https://www.amazon.com/Essential-Retirement-Planning-Solo-Agers/dp/1633537684

Five Wishes

An easy-to-use advance directive form that addresses medical, emotional, and spiritual wishes.

Visit the website: www.fivewishes.org

International Federation on Ageing (IFA)

The IFA is a global organization that advocates for the rights and well-being of older adults, focusing on issues like healthy aging, age-friendly environments, and policies affecting seniors worldwide.

Visit the website: www.ifa-fiv.org

National Institute on Aging (NIA)

Offers guidance on end-of-life care, legal planning, and grief, especially geared toward older adults and caregivers.

Visit the website: www.nia.nih.gov/health/end-life


Nokbox provides a comprehensive kit designed to help organize important documents and end-of-life plans, making it easier for loved ones to manage personal affairs after death. The kit includes templates for financial information, legal documents, and final wishes, all in one place.

Visit the website: www.nokbox.com

Paul Wesselmann 

Paul Wesselmann is a writer, speaker & Rippler whose mission is to help people harness the huge potential of even their smallest actions. 

Visit the website: www.TheRipplesGuy.com 


Reimagine is all about championing new ways to support people at the end of life with a heart-centered approach. It’s about creating opportunities for everyone to experience better endings — and better living all the way through. 

Visit the website: www.Letsreimagine.org 


This app and platform remind users five times daily of life’s impermanence, inspired by a Bhutanese tradition, to encourage mindfulness and reflection. 

Visit the website: www.wecroak.com

World Health Organization (WHO)

The WHO provides essential information and guidance on palliative care, end-of-life decision-making, and global policies related to death and dying, aiming to improve quality of life for people with serious illnesses.

Visit the website: www.who.int

Section 1: Legacy of Love (Legal Forms) 

Aging with Dignity

This organization is committed to ensuring that every person’s end-of-life care honors their personal values and dignity, offering resources like the Five Wishes program to help individuals plan for the future.

Visit the website: www.agingwithdignity.org

American Bar Association’s Commission on Law and Aging

This commission focuses on addressing legal issues related to aging, providing resources, policy recommendations, and support for older adults, attorneys, and advocates to ensure that the rights and dignity of older adults are protected.

Visit the website: www.americanbar.org/groups/law_aging

Charles Schwab’s Financial Independence Guide for Young Adults

This article underscores the importance of parents helping young adults gain financial independence, emphasizing that in case of an emergency, essential forms like powers of attorney and healthcare directives are crucial for protecting both the young adults and their families.

Visit the article: www.schwab.com/learn/story/helping-young-adults-gain-financial-independence

Cheri Huber

Cheri Huber is a Zen teacher and author known for her compassionate and practical teachings on mindfulness and self-compassion. Her bestselling book, There Is Nothing Wrong with You: Going Beyond Self-Hate, helps individuals confront self-criticism and embrace self-acceptance. She founded A Center for the Practice of Zen Buddhist Meditation and developed the Recording and Listening practice to support personal growth. Cheri also created Living Compassion, a project that provides essential support for children in Ndola, Zambia.

www.LivingCompassion.org and www.cherihuber.org 

Cheryl Espinosa-Jones, Grief Counselor

Cheryl Espinosa-Jones is a grief counselor, coach, and speaker specializing in helping individuals navigate loss and life transitions. With over 30 years of experience, she is known for her compassionate approach and expertise in guiding people through the emotional complexities of grief. Cheryl hosts the podcast Good Grief, where she explores various facets of loss and healing. She is dedicated to supporting others in transforming grief into an opportunity for growth and deeper understanding.


Cynthia Cummins, Real Estate Therapy

Cynthia Cummins is a real estate agent and founder of Real Estate Therapy, where she combines her real estate expertise with mindfulness to help clients navigate the emotional challenges of buying or selling a home. Her approach focuses on addressing the psychological aspects of real estate transactions, guiding clients toward informed and peaceful decisions. Cynthia offers a holistic perspective, blending practical advice with personal growth.

Visit the website: www.realestatetherapy.org and www.kindredsfhomes.com 

The Death Deck/Lisa Pahl 

The Death Deck is a unique and engaging card game designed to spark meaningful conversations about death and dying. With a mix of humor and thought-provoking questions, this game encourages players to explore their thoughts, fears, and wishes surrounding end-of-life topics in a relaxed, open environment. It’s a creative way to break the taboo around death and foster deeper discussions with friends and family. As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over seventeen years of experience in hospice and seven years in emergency medicine, Lisa helps people cope with illness, dying, and grief.

Visit the website: www.thedeathdeck.com


This online platform offers free tools to create customized legal documents, including wills, living wills, and powers of attorney, empowering individuals to take control of their end-of-life planning and ensure their wishes are legally documented.

Visit the website: www.doyourownwill.com

Flavia Berys

Flavia Berys is an Estate Planning and Real Estate Attorney licensed in California and Nevada. She also owns a real estate brokerage, offering clients expert legal and real estate services. With her extensive knowledge in estate planning and real estate, Flavia provides comprehensive support for individuals navigating legal and property-related matters.

Visit the website: www.flaviaberys.com

Legal Services Corporation (LSC)

LSC provides access to legal aid services for low-income individuals and families, including assistance with estate planning, advance directives, and end-of-life legal issues.

Visit the website: www.lsc.gov


LegalZoom offers online legal services, including tools for creating advance healthcare directives, living wills, and other end-of-life planning documents, helping individuals ensure their healthcare and legal wishes are respected during critical moments.

Visit the website: www.legalzoom.com

National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA)

This professional association supports attorneys, bar organizations, and others who work with older adults and people with special needs, focusing on elder law and special needs planning to ensure the protection of rights and the promotion of quality of life for these populations.

Visit the website: www.naela.org

Nolo Press
Nolo Press is a leading publisher of self-help legal books and software, offering reliable and easy-to-understand legal information on a wide range of topics, including estate planning, elder law, and end-of-life legal issues.
Visit the website: www.nolo.com

POLST (Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment) Programs

This resource provides information on state-specific POLST programs, which help ensure that seriously ill patients’ treatment preferences are honored across different settings of care, offering a standardized approach to documenting and respecting end-of-life care wishes.

Visit the website: www.polst.org/state-polst-programs

Roy Remer, Executive Director of Zen Caregiving Project

Roy Remer has been an educator and end-of-life caregiver since 1997. As the Executive Director of the Zen Caregiving Project, he integrates mindfulness and compassion into end-of-life care. Roy is also the author of the forthcoming book Zen Caregiving (New World Library, Oct. 2025).

Visit the website: www.zencaregiving.org

Section 2: Care and Comforts During Illness (Illness and Hospice) 

“Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End” by Atul Gawande

This bestselling book explores the limitations of modern medicine in addressing the end of life and emphasizes the importance of personal dignity and autonomy in the final stages of life.

Visit the website: www.atulgawande.com/book/being-mortal 

Brendon Burchard 

Brendon Burchard is a New York Times bestselling author known for his work on personal development and success, world-renowned High Performance Coach, and Founder of GrowthDay. His books, such as “The Motivation Manifesto” and “High Performance Habits,” focus on helping individuals achieve greater productivity, purpose, and fulfillment in life. Brendon offers practical strategies for mastering motivation, building positive habits, and leading a life of impact and influence.

Visit the website: www.Brendon.com and www.Growthday.com  


A program of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, CaringInfo provides free resources to educate and empower individuals to make informed decisions about serious illness and end-of-life care, ensuring that all people are prepared before a crisis occurs.

Visit the website: www.caringinfo.org

Cheri Huber 

Cheri Huber is a Zen teacher and author known for her compassionate and practical teachings on mindfulness and self-compassion. Her bestselling book, There Is Nothing Wrong with You: Going Beyond Self-Hate, helps individuals confront self-criticism and embrace self-acceptance. She founded A Center for the Practice of Zen Buddhist Meditation and developed the Recording and Listening practice to support personal growth. Cheri also created Living Compassion, a project that provides essential support for children in Ndola, Zambia.

www.LivingCompassion.org and www.cherihuber.org 

Compassion & Choices

This is an organization dedicated to improving care, expanding options, and empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their end-of-life journey. 

Visit the website: www.compassionandchoices.org 

Cynthia Cummins, Real Estate Therapy

Cynthia Cummins is a real estate agent and founder of Real Estate Therapy, where she combines her real estate expertise with mindfulness to help clients navigate the emotional challenges of buying or selling a home. Her approach focuses on addressing the psychological aspects of real estate transactions, guiding clients toward informed and peaceful decisions. Cynthia offers a holistic perspective, blending practical advice with personal growth.

Visit the website: www.realestatetherapy.org and www.kindredsfhomes.com 

Death with Dignity

Death with Dignity promotes the rights of terminally ill individuals to make their own end-of-life decisions, including the option of medical aid in dying.

Visit the website: www.deathwithdignity.org

Eldercare Locator

This public service of the U.S. Administration on Aging connects older adults, caregivers, and families with trustworthy local services and resources, including information on long-term care, support services, and legal aid for aging-related issues.

Visit the website: www.eldercare.acl.gov

“Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less” by Greg McKeown

In “Essentialism,” Greg McKeown advocates for a focused, disciplined approach to life by identifying and prioritizing what truly matters. The book encourages readers to eliminate non-essential tasks and distractions to achieve greater clarity, productivity, and fulfillment. McKeown offers practical strategies for living with purpose, embracing the power of saying “no,” and cultivating a life centered on what is most meaningful.

Visit the website: www.gregmckeown.com/books/essentialism/ 

Final Exit Network

Final Exit Network provides information and support for individuals seeking to explore their end-of-life options, including medical aid in dying, within legal boundaries.

Visit the website: www.finalexitnetwork.org

Get Palliative Care

Offers resources on palliative care options and ways to manage serious illness for both patients and caregivers.

Visit the website: www.getpalliativecare.org 

Hospice Foundation of America

Offers education, resources, and support for those dealing with serious illness and end-of-life care.

Visit the website: www.hospicefoundation.org

International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care (IAHPC)

This global organization is dedicated to advancing hospice and palliative care worldwide, offering resources, education, and advocacy to improve the quality of life for patients with serious illnesses and their families.

Visit the website: www.hospicecare.com/home

Jo-Anne Haun and Karen Hendrickson, Founders of the Death Doula Network International

Jo-Anne and Karen are dying and death Educators, community builders, speakers, and end-of-life doulas. With expertise in coaching, end-of-life care, community death caring, grief, conflict resolution, and communications, they use conversations around dying and death to foster growth and healing for individuals, communities, and the planet.

Visit the website: www.ddnint.com

Michelle Huljev, Life & Executive Coach

Michelle Huljev is a Life and Executive Coach dedicated to helping individuals achieve personal and professional growth. With a focus on mindset, leadership development, and work-life balance, Michelle empowers her clients to overcome obstacles and create meaningful change in their lives and careers. Her coaching approach blends strategic planning with emotional intelligence, guiding clients toward clarity and fulfillment.

Visit the website: www.mdhcoaching.com 

National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO)

Provides information on hospice care, advance care planning, and palliative care resources.

Visit the website: www.nhpco.org

Sara Zeff Geber, Ph.D.

Sara Zeff Geber, Ph.D., is the nation’s foremost expert on Solo Aging. As an author, professional speaker, and certified retirement coach, she focuses on the unique challenges faced by older adults aging without a partner or children. In 2018, Sara was named an “Influencer in Aging” by PBS’ Next Avenue, and she is a regular contributor to Forbes.com on aging and retirement topics.

Visit the website: https://sarazeffgeber.com

Shawn Buttner

Shawn Buttner is a High Performance Coach and the host of the Meaningful Revolution Podcast, where he helps creatives and creators sustain their creative impact. Through his coaching, Shawn empowers individuals to achieve peak performance and purpose-driven success in their personal and professional lives.

Visit the website: www.shawnbuttner.com

Tuesdays with Morrie
Written by Mitch Albom, this memoir recounts the life lessons the author learned from his former college professor, Morrie Schwartz, during weekly visits in the final months of Morrie’s life. The book explores themes of love, work, community, family, and death, offering profound insights into living a meaningful life.

For more details, you can find the book on various online platforms.

Section 3: When I’m Gone: First Things First (Burial, Cremation, Funerals, etc.)

Allen Klein

Allen Klein is an award-winning speaker, a TEDx presenter, and a best-selling author on the subjects of therapeutic humor. His books include, “Embracing Life After Loss” and “The Healing Power of Humor.” 

Visit the website: https://www.allenklein.com

Better Place Forests
Better Place Forests offers an alternative to traditional burial by creating memorial forests where individuals can have their ashes spread beneath a dedicated tree, promoting conservation and providing a peaceful, natural setting for end-of-life remembrance.
Visit the website: www.betterplaceforests.com


Coeio offers environmentally-friendly burial solutions, including the Mushroom Suit or Infinity Burial Suit, a biodegradable burial shroud made from mushroom spores. This is designed to return the body to nature by aiding in decomposition and minimizing the environmental impact, providing a sustainable alternative to traditional burial methods.

Visit their website: https://coeio.com/

Sent message via IG about their website 

Did they go out of business?

Cremation Association of North America (CANA)

CANA provides education and resources on cremation options and trends, helping families make informed decisions about cremation services.

Visit the website: www.cremationassociation.org

Funeral Consumers Alliance (FCA)

The Funeral Consumers Alliance is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting consumers’ rights and promoting transparency in the funeral industry, offering resources and guidance on planning funerals, understanding costs, and making informed end-of-life decisions.

Visit the website: www.funerals.org

The Green Burial Council

The Green Burial Council provides resources and certification for environmentally sustainable burial practices, helping families explore green burial options.

Visit the website: www.greenburialcouncil.org


Legacy.com provides online obituary and memorial resources, allowing families to create lasting tributes and share memories with loved ones worldwide.

Visit the website: www.legacy.com

The Living Urn

The Living Urn provides biodegradable urns that allow ashes to be planted with a tree, offering an eco-friendly and symbolic option for cremated remains.

Visit the website: www.thelivingurn.com


MyWonderfulLife helps people create personalized funeral or memorial service plans in advance, ensuring their wishes are honored.

Visit the website: www.mywonderfullife.com

Dr. Morgan Oaks

Dr. Morgan Oaks is a transformational speaker and certified high-performance coach dedicated to helping individuals elevate their greatness. His focus is on empowering people to listen to their intuition and take courageously inspired action to create their best life. Through his coaching and speaking engagements, Dr. Oaks guides individuals toward personal and professional growth by fostering clarity, purpose, and action.

Visit the website: www.drmorganoaks.com

National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA)

NFDA offers comprehensive resources on funeral planning, burial options, and memorial services, as well as guidance on working with funeral directors.

Visit the website: www.nfda.org

The Neptune Society

The Neptune Society specializes in cremation services and offers pre-planning options, including direct cremation and memorial services.

Visit the website: www.neptunesociety.com

Nokbox/Maria Fraietta 

Maria Fraietta is the owner and founder of The Nokbox. Nokbox provides a comprehensive kit designed to help organize important documents and end-of-life plans, making it easier for loved ones to manage personal affairs after death. The kit includes templates for financial information, legal documents, and final wishes, all in one place.

Visit the website: www.nokbox.com


Parting offers a comprehensive directory of funeral homes and cremation providers, allowing families to compare prices and services in their area.

Visit the website: www.parting.com

University of California Body Donation Program

This program allows individuals to donate their bodies to medical education and research, providing essential resources for advancing medical knowledge and training healthcare professionals. Each University of California campus has its own donation program, supporting studies in anatomy, surgery, and disease research.

Visit the website: https://meded.ucsf.edu/willed-body-program  

Outside of California: www.anatbd.acb.med.ufl.edu/usprograms 

Section 4: Matters of Money, Household, and Your Family’s Future (Finances + Household) 

1Password is a password manager that securely stores and manages your passwords, credit card information, and other sensitive data across all your devices. It offers features like encrypted storage, password generation, and secure sharing, making it easier to protect your digital life while keeping everything easily accessible.

Visit the website: www.1password.com


Bitwarden is an open-source password manager that allows users to store, manage, and share their passwords securely. It offers both free and paid options, with end-to-end encryption.

Visit the website: www.bitwarden.com


Bobby is a subscription tracking app that allows users to manually enter and track all their subscriptions in one place, sending reminders when bills are due.

Visit the website: www.bobbyapp.co

Building Your Money Machine by Mel Abraham
This book guides readers through the process of creating a sustainable and scalable business that not only generates ongoing income but also builds a lasting legacy. Mel Abraham emphasizes the importance of developing systems that allow entrepreneurs to achieve financial independence while leaving a positive impact that endures beyond their business, ensuring both personal fulfillment and a meaningful contribution to future generations.

Visit the website: www.melabrahamtraining.com/yourmoneymachinebook 


Dashlane provides a secure platform for password storage and management, with features like dark web monitoring, VPN access, and password breach alerts.

Visit the website: www.dashlane.com


LastPass offers both free and premium versions for managing passwords, including features like secure password sharing, encrypted storage, and automatic password generation.

Visit the website: www.lastpass.com

Section 5: Clutter Clearing and Memory Keeping (Organizing)

Be More with Less

Be More with Less, created by Courtney Carver, focuses on simplifying life through decluttering, minimalism, and living with intention. It offers resources like blogs and courses for those seeking a clutter-free lifestyle.

Visit the website: www.bemorewithless.com


Everplans is a digital platform that helps families plan funerals and memorial services, as well as organize important documents and preferences for end-of-life planning.

Visit the website: www.everplans.com

Forever Photo Organization

Forever offers tools and services for organizing, storing, and preserving your photos and memories. With a focus on permanence, Forever ensures that your photos are safely stored for generations, providing options for organizing, sharing, printing, and converting old media into digital formats. The platform is designed to help you keep your memories secure and easily accessible.

Visit the website: www.forever.com

“The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning: How to Free Yourself and Your Family from a Lifetime of Clutter” by Margareta Magnusson

In this practical and thoughtful book, Margareta Magnusson introduces the Swedish concept of “döstädning,” or death cleaning, which involves decluttering and organizing one’s belongings in preparation for the end of life. Magnusson offers gentle advice on how to simplify your living space to reduce the burden on loved ones, while reflecting on the emotional and practical aspects of letting go of possessions.

Visit the website: www.margaretamagnusson.com/books/swedish-death-cleaning  

The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning on Peacock

This show, inspired by Margareta Magnusson’s bestselling book, follows individuals who are guided through the process of “Swedish Death Cleaning,” which involves decluttering their lives and homes to prioritize what truly matters and strengthen relationships before it’s too late.

Visit the website: www.peacocktv.com/stream-tv/the-gentle-art-of-swedish-death-cleaning

Kat Primeau, The “Good Grief Doula”

Kat Primeau, known as the “Good Grief Doula,” is an artist and educator who believes in harnessing the transformative power of grief for positive change. Through her work, Kat supports individuals and communities in navigating loss, helping them find growth, healing, and creativity in the grieving process. Her approach blends artistry and education to guide others through the emotional landscape of grief.

Visit the website: www.goodgriefdoula.com

Legacybox is a service that helps you digitize and preserve your old media, such as photos, videos, film reels, and audio recordings. By sending your items to Legacybox, you receive digital copies that are easy to store, share, and enjoy, ensuring that your precious memories are preserved for future generations in a modern format.

Visit the website: www.legacybox.com

Marie Kondo – KonMari Method

Marie Kondo’s KonMari Method focuses on decluttering by category, keeping only items that “spark joy.” Her books and Netflix series provide guidance for organizing spaces and simplifying life.

Visit the website: www.konmari.com

Nobody Wants Your Parents’ Stuff
This article on Next Avenue explores the challenges many people face when dealing with the possessions left behind by their parents. It discusses the emotional and practical difficulties of downsizing and the generational differences in valuing material possessions. The piece provides insights and advice on how to navigate these often difficult conversations and decisions.

For more details, visit the article: www.nextavenue.org/nobody-wants-parents-stuff/

Nokbox/Maria Fraietta 

Maria Fraietta is the owner and founder of The Nokbox. Nokbox provides a comprehensive kit designed to help organize important documents and end-of-life plans, making it easier for loved ones to manage personal affairs after death. The kit includes templates for financial information, legal documents, and final wishes, all in one place.

Visit the website: www.nokbox.com/

Shawn Buttner 

Shawn Buttner is a High Performance Coach and the host of the Meaningful Revolution Podcast, where he helps creatives and creators sustain their creative impact. Through his coaching, Shawn empowers individuals to achieve peak performance and purpose-driven success in their personal and professional lives.

Visit the website: www.shawnbuttner.com

Section 6: Life Lessons and Wisdom I’d Like to Pass On to My Loved Ones (Story Telling)

Allen Klein 

Allen Klein is an award-winning speaker, a TEDx presenter, and a best-selling author on the subjects of therapeutic humor. His books include, “Embracing Life After Loss” and “The Healing Power of Humor.” 

Visit the website: https://www.allenklein.com

Brendon Burchard

Brendon Burchard is a New York Times bestselling author known for his work on personal development and success, world-renowned High Performance Coach, and Founder of GrowthDay. His books, such as “The Motivation Manifesto” and “High Performance Habits,” focus on helping individuals achieve greater productivity, purpose, and fulfillment in life. Brendon offers practical strategies for mastering motivation, building positive habits, and leading a life of impact and influence.

Visit the website: www.brendon.com and www.growthday.com  

Gail Trunick, Founder of Trunick Gallery

Gail Trunick is an artist and the founder of Trunick Gallery, where she showcases her unique, nature-inspired sculptures and artwork. Her creative vision reflects a deep connection to the natural world, with pieces that often incorporate organic materials and themes of transformation. Gail’s work is known for its emotional depth and artistic innovation, drawing viewers into a contemplative experience.

Visit the website: www.gailtrunick.com 

Legacy Kept
Legacy Kept offers a service that helps you capture and preserve personal stories and family histories. Through guided interviews conducted by professional biographers, they create high-quality audio recordings and beautifully bound books that keep your loved ones’ memories alive for future generations.

Visit the website: www.legacykept.com

LifeTime Memoirs
LifeTime Memoirs offers a personalized service to capture and preserve an individual’s life story in a professionally written, edited, and beautifully bound autobiography. Through a series of interviews conducted by a skilled writer, they create a lasting legacy in the form of a memoir that can be shared with loved ones and passed down through generations.

Visit the website: www.lifetimememoirs.com

Memories In Writing
Memories In Writing offers professional services to help individuals and families create written memoirs and personal histories. Through personalized interviews and skilled writing, they craft compelling narratives that preserve cherished memories, family traditions, and life experiences in beautifully bound books, ensuring that personal legacies are documented and passed down to future generations.

Visit the website: www.memoriesinwriting.com

Shawn Buttner

Shawn Buttner is a High Performance Coach and the host of the Meaningful Revolution Podcast, where he helps creatives and creators sustain their creative impact. Through his coaching, Shawn empowers individuals to achieve peak performance and purpose-driven success in their personal and professional lives.

Visit the website: www.shawnbuttner.com/

StoryCorps is a nonprofit organization dedicated to recording, preserving, and sharing the stories of people from all walks of life. Through personal interviews, StoryCorps captures meaningful conversations between loved ones, which are then archived at the Library of Congress and can be shared with the public, ensuring that these voices and memories are preserved for future generations.

Visit the website: www.storycorps.org

Storyworth is a service that helps you create a treasured keepsake by prompting your loved ones to share their stories through weekly emailed questions. At the end of the year, their stories are compiled into a beautifully bound book, preserving family memories and personal histories for future generations.

Visit the website: www.storyworth.com

Section 7:  True Legacy: Last Love Lists (Love Letters)

The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts
This book by Dr. Gary Chapman explores the five distinct ways people express and experience love: Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch. By understanding people’s primary love language and speaking it regularly, you can enhance communication, deepen your connection, and foster more fulfilling relationships.

Published by Northfield Publishing. For more details, you can find the book on various online platforms.

Gratitude Journal by Greater Good Science Center

This online guide from the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley offers practical tips for cultivating gratitude and writing meaningful appreciation letters, with insights from scientific studies on the benefits of gratitude.

Visit the website: www.greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/how_to_fully_appreciate_your_loving_relationships 

The Love List Toolkit by Sherry Richert Belul
This toolkit is designed to help you create personalized Love Lists—collections of affirmations, memories, and appreciations for loved ones. It provides templates, prompts, and inspiration to guide you in crafting meaningful and heartfelt messages that can be shared on special occasions or any day to deepen connections.

Visit the website: https://simplycelebrate.net/love

Paul Wesselmann 

Paul Wesselmann is a writer, speaker & Rippler whose mission is to help people harness the huge potential of even their smallest actions. 

Visit the website: www.TheRipplesGuy.com 

PositivePsychology.com – Gratitude Messages, Letters, and Lists

This resource from PositivePsychology.com offers a comprehensive guide on how to write gratitude messages, letters, and lists. It includes practical tips, examples, and prompts to help you express appreciation and strengthen relationships through written communication. The guide also discusses the psychological benefits of expressing gratitude.

Visit the website: www.positivepsychology.com/gratitude-messages-letters-lists

Say It Now: 33 Creative Ways to Say I Love You to the Most Important People in Your Life
This book by Sherry Richert Belul offers practical and heartfelt ideas for expressing love and appreciation to the people who matter most. Through creative prompts and suggestions, it encourages readers to share their feelings and create meaningful connections, emphasizing the importance of saying what matters while you still have the chance. Published by Mango Publishing. 

Visit the website: https://www.amazon.com/Say-Now-Ways-Important-People/dp/1642500356/

Shawn Buttner 

Shawn Buttner is a High Performance Coach and the host of the Meaningful Revolution Podcast, where he helps creatives and creators sustain their creative impact. Through his coaching, Shawn empowers individuals to achieve peak performance and purpose-driven success in their personal and professional lives.

Visit the website: www.shawnbuttner.com

Section 8:  There’s Still Time (Health, Wellness, Spirituality)

Brendon Burchard 

Brendon Burchard is a New York Times bestselling author known for his work on personal development and success, world-renowned High Performance Coach, and Founder of GrowthDay. His books, such as “The Motivation Manifesto” and “High Performance Habits,” focus on helping individuals achieve greater productivity, purpose, and fulfillment in life. Brendon offers practical strategies for mastering motivation, building positive habits, and leading a life of impact and influence.

Visit the website: www.Brendon.com and www.Growthday.com  

Emily Thiroux Threatt

Emily Thiroux Threatt is the author of “Loving and Living Your Way Through Grief,” “The Grief and Happiness Handbook,” and The Grief and Happiness Cards. She offers compassionate guidance for navigating grief and finding joy after loss. Emily is also the host of the Grief and Happiness podcast, where she explores topics related to healing and living a fulfilling life after loss.

Visit the website: https://lovingandlivingyourwaythroughgrief.com

“Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less” by Greg McKeown

In “Essentialism,” Greg McKeown advocates for a focused, disciplined approach to life by identifying and prioritizing what truly matters. The book encourages readers to eliminate non-essential tasks and distractions to achieve greater clarity, productivity, and fulfillment. McKeown offers practical strategies for living with purpose, embracing the power of saying “no,” and cultivating a life centered on what is most meaningful.

Visit the website: www.gregmckeown.com/books/essentialism 

“The Gift of Years: Growing Older Gracefully” by Joan Chittister

In this inspiring book, Joan Chittister offers reflections on the challenges and blessings of aging. With wisdom and grace, she encourages readers to embrace growing older as a time of enrichment, meaning, and spiritual growth. The book is a guide to finding purpose and joy in the later years of life.

Visit the website: www.joanchittister.org

“The Key: And the Name of the Key Is Willingness” by Cheri Huber

This book explores how embracing willingness can unlock personal transformation and mindfulness. Cheri Huber, a Zen teacher, provides simple yet profound insights into how we can overcome resistance, accept our current circumstances, and cultivate a more peaceful life.

Visit the website: www.cherihuber.org 

Michelle Huljev, Life & Executive Coach 

Michelle Huljev is a Life and Executive Coach dedicated to helping individuals achieve personal and professional growth. With a focus on mindset, leadership development, and work-life balance, Michelle empowers her clients to overcome obstacles and create meaningful change in their lives and careers. Her coaching approach blends strategic planning with emotional intelligence, guiding clients toward clarity and fulfillment.

Visit the website: www.mdhcoaching.com 

Dr. Morgan Oaks   

Dr. Morgan Oaks is a transformational speaker and certified high-performance coach dedicated to helping individuals elevate their greatness. His focus is on empowering people to listen to their intuition and take courageously inspired action to create their best life. Through his coaching and speaking engagements, Dr. Oaks guides individuals toward personal and professional growth by fostering clarity, purpose, and action.

Visit the website: www.drmorganoaks.com

“Regrets of the Dying” by Bronnie Ware

This book, written by a former palliative care nurse, explores the top regrets people express at the end of their lives. Bronnie Ware shares lessons learned from those she cared for, offering insight into how we can live a more meaningful and fulfilling life by addressing our deepest regrets.

Visit the website: www.bronnieware.com/regrets-of-the-dying

Roy Remer, Executive Director of Zen Caregiving Project  

Roy Remer has been an educator and end-of-life caregiver since 1997. As the Executive Director of the Zen Caregiving Project, he integrates mindfulness and compassion into end-of-life care. Roy is also the author of the forthcoming book Zen Caregiving (New World Library, Oct. 2025).

Visit the website: www.zencaregiving.org

“A Year to Live: How to Live This Year as If It Were Your Last” by Stephen Levine
In this transformative book, Stephen Levine challenges readers to live each day as if it were their last. Through practical exercises and reflections, Levine encourages a deeper exploration of life, death, and the fear of dying, offering a guide to living more fully and authentically.
Visit the website: www.levinetalks.com 



Reimagine is all about championing new ways to support people at the end of life with a heart-centered approach. It’s about creating opportunities for everyone to experience better endings — and better living all the way through. 

Visit the website: www.Letsreimagine.org 

Other Books on Dying and End of Life Planning 

“Absolutely Delicious: A Chronicle of Extraordinary Dying” by Alison Jean Lester

In Absolutely Delicious, Alison Jean Lester chronicles the extraordinary final months of her mother’s life, blending humor, love, and profound reflection on death and dying. Through candid storytelling, Lester captures the challenges and joys of accompanying a loved one through the dying process, offering readers a heartfelt and uplifting perspective on embracing mortality with grace and dignity.

Visit the website: www.alisonjeanlester.com

“Advice for Future Corpses (and Those Who Love Them): A Practical Perspective on Death and Dying” by Sallie Tisdale

In Advice for Future Corpses, Sallie Tisdale offers a candid, compassionate, and practical guide to death and dying. Drawing on her experience as a nurse and Buddhist practitioner, Tisdale provides thoughtful insights on how to prepare for death, both for oneself and for loved ones. The book blends humor, wisdom, and realism, addressing the emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects of dying while encouraging readers to confront mortality with openness and grace.

Visit the website: https://www.amazon.com/Advice-Future-Corpses-Those-Love/dp/150118217X

“At Peace: Choosing a Good Death After a Long Life” by Samuel Harrington

In this compassionate guide, Dr. Samuel Harrington addresses the difficult decisions older adults and their families face when considering end-of-life care. He emphasizes the importance of choosing quality of life over aggressive medical interventions, offering advice on how to navigate the healthcare system and make informed choices for a peaceful death.

Visit the website: www.samharrington.com/at-peace 

“A Matter of Death and Life” by Irvin D. Yalom and Marilyn Yalom

This moving memoir, co-authored by psychiatrist Irvin Yalom and his wife, Marilyn Yalom, explores their journey through the final months of Marilyn’s life following her terminal cancer diagnosis. The book reflects on love, mortality, and the emotional complexities of facing the end of life together.

Visit the website: www.yalom.com/a-matter-of-death-and-life 

“Being with Dying: Cultivating Compassion and Fearlessness in the Presence of Death” by Joan Halifax

This book by Zen teacher Joan Halifax provides practical and spiritual guidance for caregivers, patients, and anyone facing the reality of death. Drawing from her decades of work in end-of-life care, Halifax offers practices for cultivating compassion, mindfulness, and fearlessness in the presence of dying, helping readers navigate the emotional and spiritual challenges of mortality.

Visit the website: www.joanhalifax.org

“Die Wise: A Manifesto for Sanity and Soul” by Stephen Jenkinson

In this profound and thought-provoking book, Stephen Jenkinson, a teacher and palliative care worker, explores the concept of dying well in a death-phobic culture. “Die Wise” offers a compassionate and soul-centered approach to facing death with dignity and wisdom. Jenkinson challenges readers to confront their mortality, advocating for a more conscious, meaningful, and community-driven way to approach the end of life.

Visit the website: www.orphanwisdom.com/book/die-wise 

“Dying Well: Peace and Possibilities at the End of Life” by Ira Byock

In this compassionate guide, Dr. Ira Byock, a leading palliative care physician, explores how people can approach the end of life with peace and dignity. Byock shares real-life stories of patients and their families, offering insights on how to navigate the emotional and physical challenges of dying while focusing on meaningful connections, comfort, and closure.

Visit the website: www.irabyock.org/books/dying-well 

“From Here to Eternity: Traveling the World to Find the Good Death” by Caitlin Doughty

In this fascinating book, Caitlin Doughty embarks on a global journey to explore how different cultures handle death and mourning. Through her travels, Doughty sheds light on unique and meaningful death rituals around the world, challenging the Western approach to death and offering a broader perspective on what it means to die well.

Visit the website: www.caitlindoughty.com/books/from-here-to-eternity 

“Goodbye to Clocks Ticking: How We Live While Dying” by Joseph Monninger

In Goodbye to Clocks Ticking, author Joseph Monninger offers a deeply personal and poignant memoir about his experience facing a terminal diagnosis. Reflecting on life, love, and mortality, Monninger provides readers with an intimate look at how we can live fully even as we confront the reality of death. This book is both a celebration of life and a meditation on what it means to say goodbye with grace and acceptance.

Visit the website: www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/718551/goodbye-to-clocks-ticking-by-joseph-monninger 

“How We Die: Reflections on Life’s Final Chapter” by Sherwin B. Nuland
In this National Book Award-winning work, Dr. Sherwin Nuland offers a frank and compassionate exploration of the physical and emotional processes of dying. Through personal stories and medical insights, Nuland reflects on the realities of death, challenging the notion of a “good death” and emphasizing the importance of understanding and accepting the end of life as part of the human experience.
Visit the website: www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/122995/how-we-die-by-sherwin-b-nuland 

“How We Live is How We Die” by Pema Chödrön

In How We Live is How We Die, Pema Chödrön, a renowned Buddhist teacher, offers profound reflections on the natural cycles of life and death, encouraging readers to embrace impermanence with compassion and mindfulness. Through Buddhist teachings, she explores how the way we live shapes our experience of dying and provides guidance on navigating change and uncertainty with grace.

Visit the website: www.pemachodronfoundation.org

“In Love With The World: A Monk’s Journey Through the Bardos of Living and Dying” by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche

In this profound memoir, Tibetan Buddhist master Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche shares his near-death experience and his journey through the bardos—the transitional states between life and death. In Love With The World blends spiritual wisdom with a deeply personal narrative, offering readers insights into the nature of existence, the process of dying, and how to live with greater awareness and love. This book serves as both a spiritual guide and a moving reflection on mortality.

Visit the website: https://www.amazon.com/Love-World-Journey-Through-Bardos/dp/0525512543

“It’s Always Something” by Gilda Radner

In It’s Always Something, comedian and original Saturday Night Live cast member Gilda Radner shares her deeply personal and humorous account of her battle with ovarian cancer. Through wit, vulnerability, and honesty, Radner reflects on her life, career, and the challenges of facing a serious illness. The memoir captures her unique spirit, offering a message of hope, resilience, and humor even in the face of adversity.

Visit the website: www.simonandschuster.com/books/Its-Always-Something/Gilda-Radner/9781439148860  

“I Will Not Die an Unlived Life: Reclaiming Purpose and Passion” by Dawna Markova

In this empowering book, Dawna Markova encourages readers to live with purpose, passion, and authenticity. She reflects on how we can overcome fear, embrace our unique potential, and live fully, regardless of the challenges we face. Markova’s inspiring message invites readers to reject the idea of an “unlived life” and to pursue their dreams and passions wholeheartedly.

Visit the website: https://www.dawnamarkova.com 

“Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor E. Frankl

This seminal work by Viktor E. Frankl, a Holocaust survivor and psychiatrist, explores the search for meaning in life, even in the face of suffering and adversity. Drawing from his experiences in Nazi concentration camps, Frankl introduces his philosophy of logotherapy, which emphasizes finding purpose and meaning as a key to survival and personal fulfillment.

Visit the website: www.viktorfrankl.org

“Staring at the Sun: Overcoming the Terror of Death” by Irvin D. Yalom
In this insightful book, renowned existential psychiatrist Irvin D. Yalom delves into the universal fear of death and how it shapes our lives. Drawing from his clinical experience and philosophical insights, Yalom provides guidance on confronting and accepting mortality, offering tools to live a more meaningful life free from the paralyzing fear of death.
Visit the website: www.yalom.com/staring-at-the-sun 

“Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers” by Mary Roach

In this fascinating and often humorous exploration, Mary Roach delves into the many scientific, medical, and historical roles that human cadavers have played throughout history. From crash test dummies to forensic research, “Stiff” offers a unique and witty look at what happens to our bodies after death, while addressing deeper questions about mortality and the human body.

Visit the website: https://www.amazon.com/Stiff-Curious-Lives-Human-Cadavers-ebook/dp/B00421BN2C 

“The Art of Dying Well: A Practical Guide to a Good End of Life” by Katy Butler

This practical guide by Katy Butler offers wisdom on how to live well through the final stages of life. Drawing from personal experience and expert interviews, Butler provides advice on navigating the medical system, making end-of-life decisions, and finding peace as death approaches. The book is a compassionate roadmap for preparing for a graceful and dignified end.

Visit the website: www.katybutler.com/author/the-art-of-dying-well 

“The Five Invitations: Discovering What Death Can Teach Us About Living Fully” by Frank Ostaseski

In this profound book, Frank Ostaseski, a renowned Buddhist teacher and hospice co-founder, shares five principles, or “invitations,” that death can teach us about living a more meaningful and fulfilled life. Drawing on his extensive experience with the dying, Ostaseski offers wisdom on embracing life’s impermanence, fostering compassion, and living with greater awareness and presence.

Visit the website: www.fiveinvitations.com

“The In-Between: Unforgettable Encounters During Life’s Final Moments” by Hadley Vlahos

Written by a hospice nurse, this book shares powerful and heartwarming stories of patients during their final days. Hadley Vlahos offers a compassionate and touching look into the profound moments that occur between life and death, revealing the wisdom and peace often found at the end of life.

Visit the website: www.nursehadley.com/book 

“The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying” by Sogyal Rinpoche

This spiritual classic blends Tibetan Buddhist wisdom with practical guidance on life and death. Sogyal Rinpoche offers profound insights into the nature of mortality, providing a comprehensive guide to spiritual growth, compassionate living, and preparing for death. The book emphasizes the importance of mindfulness, meditation, and understanding the dying process.

Visit the website: www.rigpa.org/the-tibetan-book-of-living-and-dying 

“When Breath Becomes Air” by Paul Kalanithi

This poignant memoir, written by neurosurgeon Paul Kalanithi as he faced terminal lung cancer, explores the meaning of life and death. Kalanithi reflects on his journey from doctor to patient, offering profound insights into mortality, purpose, and what it means to live fully even in the face of death.

Visit the website: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com

“Who Dies?: An Investigation of Conscious Living and Conscious Dying” by Stephen Levine and Ondrea Levine

This insightful book explores the spiritual and emotional aspects of death and dying, encouraging readers to embrace death as a natural part of life. Stephen and Ondrea Levine offer tools for conscious living and dying, emphasizing the importance of acceptance, compassion, and mindfulness in facing mortality.

Visit the website: https://www.amazon.com/Who-Dies-Investigation-Conscious-Living/dp/0385262213

Books + Resources on Grief for Your Loved Ones 

“A Grief Observed” by C.S. Lewis

In this deeply personal work, C.S. Lewis reflects on the grief he experienced following the death of his wife, Joy Davidman. With raw emotion and intellectual depth, Lewis explores the complex feelings of loss, faith, and the challenge of finding meaning in suffering. This book offers a profound and honest portrayal of the grieving process.

Visit the website: www.harpercollins.com/products/a-grief-observed-c-s-lewis 

“All the Honey” by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer

In this beautiful collection of poetry, Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer explores themes of love, loss, joy, and the sweetness of life. Her poems offer a meditative and heartfelt reflection on the everyday moments that make life meaningful, with a focus on finding grace and gratitude even in difficult times.

Visit the website: www.wordwoman.com

“Bittersweet: How Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole” by Susan Cain

In this insightful book, Susan Cain explores the concept of bittersweetness—the recognition that life is a blend of joy and sorrow. Drawing on research, philosophy, and personal stories, Cain delves into how embracing both the beauty and pain of life can lead to personal growth, creativity, and a deeper sense of connection to the world.

Visit the website: www.susancain.net/book/bittersweet 

“Broken Open: How Difficult Times Can Help Us Grow” by Elizabeth Lesser

In this inspiring book, Elizabeth Lesser explores how life’s challenges, including loss and grief, can lead to personal transformation and growth. Drawing from her own experiences and the stories of others, Lesser offers wisdom on how to navigate painful times with grace, resilience, and the opportunity to open up to deeper truths about ourselves.

Visit the website: www.elizabethlesser.org/broken-open 

Compassionate Friends

Compassionate Friends provides support for families who have lost a child. They offer a nationwide network of support groups, online resources, and bereavement services.

Visit the website: www.compassionatefriends.org

“Embracing Life After Loss” by Allen Klein

In this uplifting book, Allen Klein offers guidance on how to find joy and meaning after experiencing loss. Through personal stories, humor, and wisdom, Klein provides readers with tools to embrace life again, even in the midst of grief. The book encourages healing through acceptance, laughter, and a renewed sense of purpose.

Visit the website: https://www.amazon.com/Embracing-Life-After-Loss-Growing/dp/1642500062

End of Life University

End of Life University is an educational platform that offers podcasts, interviews, courses, and resources on end-of-life topics. Hosted by Dr. Karen Wyatt, the platform aims to provide practical advice, spiritual insight, and thoughtful discussions on death, dying, and grief. It serves as a resource for individuals, caregivers, and professionals seeking to better understand and navigate the end-of-life journey.

Visit the website: www.eoluniversity.com

“Giving Grief Meaning” by Lily Dulan

Lily Dulan’s book offers a compassionate approach to transforming grief into healing. After the devastating loss of her daughter, Lily created the “Love and Light” method, which provides practical tools for finding meaning and connection in the aftermath of loss. The book encourages readers to work through their grief with love, mindfulness, and intentional practices.

Visit the website: https://www.amazon.com/Giving-Grief-Meaning-Transforming-Suffering/dp/1642503134

“Grief Recovery Handbook: The Action Program for Moving Beyond Death, Divorce, and Other Losses” by John W. James and Russell Friedman

This practical guide offers a structured approach to dealing with various forms of grief. Through actionable steps, the authors provide a framework to help individuals work through their loss and begin healing.

Visit the website: www.griefrecoverymethod.com


GriefShare is a network of support groups for people grieving the death of a loved one. They offer in-person and online support groups that meet regularly, providing a supportive community to help individuals navigate the grief process.

Visit the website: www.griefshare.org

“It’s OK That You’re Not OK: Meeting Grief and Loss in a Culture That Doesn’t Understand” by Megan Devine

Megan Devine challenges conventional wisdom about grief in this thoughtful book, offering validation and support for those grieving in a world that often misunderstands the process. She advocates for a more compassionate approach to mourning.

Visit the website: www.refugeingrief.com/books/its-ok-that-youre-not-ok 

“Loving and Living Your Way Through Grief: A Comprehensive Guide to Healing from Loss” by Emily Thiroux Threatt

In this heartfelt guide, Emily Thiroux Threatt shares her personal journey of loss and offers practical advice on how to navigate the grieving process. The book encourages readers to embrace love and self-compassion while working through grief, offering tools for healing and finding a path forward after loss.

Visit the website: https://www.amazon.com/Loving-Living-Your-Though-Grief/dp/1642504823

“Modern Loss: Candid Conversation About Grief. Beginners Welcome.” by Rebecca Soffer and Gabrielle Birkner

This insightful and often humorous book offers a modern take on grief, featuring personal stories, practical advice, and candid discussions about the experience of loss. Rebecca Soffer and Gabrielle Birkner provide a relatable and compassionate guide for navigating grief in today’s world, making it accessible and less isolating.

Visit the website: www.modernloss.com

National Alliance for Grieving Children (NAGC)

The NAGC connects children and families with grief support programs across the country. They offer a directory of local bereavement programs and resources for those grieving the loss of a loved one.

Visit the website: www.childrengrieve.org

“No Time to Say Goodbye: Surviving the Suicide of a Loved One” by Carla Fine

This deeply compassionate book offers support for those grieving the loss of a loved one to suicide. Carla Fine shares her own experiences as well as the stories of others, providing guidance for coping with the unique pain and emotions that follow such a tragic loss.

Visit the website: www.carlafine.com/no_time_to_say_goodbye__surviving_the_suicide_of_a_loved_one_15329.htm 

Open to Hope

Open to Hope offers an extensive directory of bereavement groups and grief resources. They provide information on finding support groups, counselors, and other grief-related services.

Visit the website: www.opentohope.com

“Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy” by Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant

In this powerful book, Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook, and psychologist Adam Grant provide insights on how to build resilience in the face of adversity. Drawing from Sandberg’s personal experience with loss and Grant’s expertise in psychology, they offer practical advice and stories of people who have overcome life’s toughest challenges, emphasizing the importance of resilience and finding joy after tragedy.

Visit the website: www.optionb.org

“Postal Service for the Dead” by Sleepy Sue Studio

“Postal Service for the Dead” is a unique project that allows people to send letters to their deceased loved ones. The service provides a space for those grieving to express their feelings, process loss, and maintain a connection through the act of writing. Each letter is treated with care and confidentiality, offering a therapeutic way to communicate with the departed.

Visit the website: www.sleepysue.studio/postal-service-for-the-dead

“Rebellious Mourning: The Collective Work of Grief” edited by Cindy Milstein

This powerful anthology explores the intersection of grief and social justice, highlighting how collective mourning can be a catalyst for resistance and social change. Through essays, stories, and reflections, contributors reveal how grief can be harnessed to challenge injustice and build community. “Rebellious Mourning” calls for a rebellion against societal norms that suppress grief, urging readers to embrace mourning as a transformative force.

Visit the website: www.akpress.org/rebellious-mourning.html 

“Tear Soup: A Recipe for Healing After Loss” by Pat Schwiebert and Chuck DeKlyen

This beautifully illustrated book uses the metaphor of making soup to explore the process of grieving. It’s an excellent resource for both adults and children, offering comfort and understanding for those going through loss.

Visit the website: www.griefwatch.com/collections/tear-soup-home 

Telephone of the Wind

The Telephone of the Wind is a symbolic and therapeutic project offering a unique way for people to communicate with loved ones who have passed away. Inspired by the original Japanese wind telephone, this project provides a space for visitors to express their grief, share memories, and find solace by “speaking” to the deceased through an unconnected rotary phone. The experience allows for a meaningful, reflective connection in a peaceful environment.

Visit the website: www.thetelephoneofthewind.com

The Dougy Center

The Dougy Center offers grief support resources for children, teens, and families. They provide directories and tools to find local bereavement support groups as well as resources for supporting individuals through grief.

Visit the website: www.dougy.org

“The Grieving Brain: The Surprising Science of How We Learn from Love and Loss” by Mary-Frances O’Connor

In this fascinating book, neuroscientist Mary-Frances O’Connor explores the science of grief, explaining how the brain processes loss and why grieving is a natural part of life. The book provides a deeper understanding of the biological and emotional aspects of grief.

Visit the website: www.maryfrancesoconnor.org/books/the-grieving-brain  

“The Orphaned Adult: Understanding and Coping with Grief and Change After the Death of Our Parents” by Alexander Levy

This book explores the unique grief experienced by adults after the loss of their parents. It provides insights into the emotional and psychological impact of becoming an orphaned adult, with practical advice on coping and healing.

Visit the website: www.goodreads.com/book/show/282967.The_Orphaned_Adult 

“The Sudden Loss Survival Guide: Seven Essential Practices for Healing Grief” by Chelsea Hanson

This compassionate guide offers practical advice for coping with the shock and grief of sudden loss. Chelsea Hanson provides readers with seven essential practices to help navigate the overwhelming emotions that come with unexpected loss, offering tools for healing, self-care, and finding peace.

Visit the website: https://www.amazon.com/Sudden-Loss-Survival-Guide-Essential/dp/1642502286

“The Year of Magical Thinking” by Joan Didion

This powerful memoir chronicles Joan Didion’s experience of grief following the sudden death of her husband, John Gregory Dunne. With raw honesty and emotional depth, Didion explores the impact of loss, the fragility of life, and the process of mourning in the face of unimaginable tragedy.

Visit the website: www.joandidion.org/joan-didion-books/the-year-of-magical-thinking 

“The Wild Edge of Sorrow: Rituals of Renewal and the Sacred Work of Grief” by Francis Weller

In this profound book, Francis Weller explores the transformative power of grief and its importance in healing and personal growth. Blending psychology, anthropology, and spiritual wisdom, Weller offers rituals and practices to help individuals embrace sorrow, navigate loss, and reconnect with the sacred work of grieving.

Visit the website: www.francisweller.net/the-wild-edge-of-sorrow-the-sacred-work-of-grief.html 

“When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times” by Pema Chödrön

In this beloved book, Buddhist nun Pema Chödrön offers timeless wisdom for navigating life’s challenges. With profound insights drawn from Buddhist teachings, she encourages readers to embrace uncertainty and difficult emotions, finding peace and resilience in the midst of pain and chaos. This book provides practical guidance on how to stay open and compassionate during tough times.

Visit the website: https://pemachodronfoundation.org

Articles and Additional Resources

QR Code: Here is a link to the most updated version of this directory, which includes additional resources for you as they become available.