{Celebration Moment} What’s New?

{Celebration Moment} What’s New?

How are you, my friend? I’m just popping by quickly this morning to invite you to create a tiny moment of celebration for yourself today.  Why? Because our time on this planet is relatively short and the years go by and I know you deserve to have as many...
Great Gift: Makeshift Vacation!

Great Gift: Makeshift Vacation!

We’re nearing the end of the week, my friend. I’m thinking of you and sending some love and a li’l uplift.  It’s that time of year again when many people are making their lists and checking ’em twice. —— And then going buying gifts...
Celebration Moment: Low Stress Big LOVE

Celebration Moment: Low Stress Big LOVE

I’m at the San Francisco airport, ready to fly to Burbank for an event.  I have 30 minutes and am thinking of YOU, so I thought I’d send a very quick hello — and a l’il celebration, too!  💥💓💥 I’m an anxious Annie when it comes to air...