Jan 10, 2022 | Beauty + Joy, Express yourself
Hey, beautiful friend. Today, I send you the exuberance of jumping up and down, arms high above your head, and energy vibrating in your body. I send you the sky — how open it is, how receiving. How it promises us that so much more is possible than we know, or...
Jan 3, 2022 | Beauty + Joy, Celebrating in the Dark, Express yourself
Today, I send you pink streaks painted across the morning’s stark white sky. I send you the sunset-colored baby roses braving the 39 degree weather as they blossom on the vine. I send you the bottle top I found on the sidewalk — a big happy smile...
Nov 21, 2021 | Beauty + Joy, Express yourself
Hello wonderful friend. Thank you for opening this email. Thank you for reading and/or listening to my LoveGrams. Thank you for being someone with a warm heart and unique spirit. Thank you for your desire to live life with as much love, zest, color, and...