If Bill Cunningham went to Camp.

If you haven’t seen the documentary about Bill Cunningham, you should. But I’m giving you a l’il spoiler alert — I’m about to tell you my favorite quote from the movie: “Those who seek beauty are sure to find it.” (Oh, Bill. Thank...

What we carry

Recently I’ve talked to a lot of people who are having a hard time. They’re in pain, feeling grief, worried about a loved one, or are just-plain-exhausted. What do we do for ourselves + each other when we’re in this place? I happened across a short...

Kindness Project 51-51-51

I turn 51 this week. And, as I’ve done for the three years, I want to celebrate by sending notes of kindness to strangers. I love the feeling of connection + community this practice brings me. It has taught me that I don’t ever have to feel alone. I can...

Why I owe you an apology

Yesterday I sent out an email to my subscriber list telling you about a book of fill-in-the-blank appreciations that I love. It was a simple email that I’d drafted up on Wednesday and had hoped to send that day. But I got busy and didn’t do it. When I...

why am I writing to you about a mango lassi?

If you’ve been hanging around me for a while, you’ve heard me say these three words a lot: say it now. I seem to have been born with a bee in my bonnet about this. And the li’l bee was buzzing again this week. (Though I was wearing a cloche rather...