The place I want to live.

Artist Tracy Yarbrough of Chickpea Studio reminded me of something very important this week. She reminded me what a gift it is to live enthusiastically and energetically. She truly exemplifies living life with color and expression. I met Tracy through an online course...

What sustains you? (Even in the dark.)

SIMPLY CELEBRATE NEWSLETTER: JULY/AUGUST 2011 By Sherry Richert Belul   I am reading Find Your Strongest Life by Marcus Buckingham. One of the main points he makes, which truly resonates with me, is this: "Pay attention to specific moments that invigorate...

Make someone great.

"Make someone great."  That line/philosophy was passed onto me this week in my mastermind coaching call. I can't stop thinking about it. It is so simple, yet so absolutely amazing as a life practice. A compliment. An offer of help. A surprise...

What you see is what you get.

This morning when I was walking down Mission Street here in San Francisco, I was noticing how gritty and dirty the street looked. Litter and grime kept catching my eye.And then, wonders of wonders, some grace dropped in and I was reminded of a great teaching my son...

Where would you look?

I've been lying low the past number of weeks. The combination of a life-changing Zen retreat and the death of my grandmother have left me rather speechless. Extraordinarily quiet. Listening. When I returned a few days ago — from the trip back East for the...