
Hi everyone. If you receive the Simply Celebrate newsletter, you have already read that I am a CRAZY woman when it comes to trying to prepare to leave for a trip. All of my karma seems to rise to the surface — stuff about needing to be perfect, about control, about deserving, you name it!

And, since I leave for a week’s vacation tomorrow morning — the first non-working vacation in years!— I have had plenty of opportunity to see how I do this insanity around leaving.

So in my effort to shed just a teensy bit of light on all of this and to do things just a little bit differently, I am actively looking for places in which I can LET GO and not be perfect.

One of the items on my list was to write several blog entries that would post while I was away. I have one that is finished and scheduled, but I haven’t written others. And I’m not going to. I am just going to let it go. I’m giving myself that break.

If I get inspired to blog while I’m away, I’ll do it. But I won’t do it if it comes from a place of “should.” In fact, why in the world don’t I always use that rule of thumb?! What would happen, I wonder?

So … whether you are leaving for vacation tomorrow or not, do you want to join me in this letting go? Is there something you can drop from your to-do list? Something that feels like a “havta” but is really not? What can you simplify? What can you do “good enough” but not perfect? Where can you buy yourself a little compassionate space in your life?

Listen, thanks for letting me test this out. I guess if I get mobbed with angry notes then … well … I’ll be basking on the beach in Hawaii and it probably won’t bother me a bit!

Love and letting go to all of you! See you in a week — more or less!